Blended learning is any planned combination of online and face-to-face teaching and learning in order to create a complete course delivery. Indeed, almost all teaching these days is to some degree blended. However, we are thinking particularly of courses that may not provide as much on-site delivery as other face-to-face programmes, and hence need to ensure that online learning opportunities are best implemented to ensure that the students opportunities to learn are as good as, if not better than, for students who study entirely face-to-face.
When you work with Learning Design Solutions on your blended course delivery, we will help you make sound pedagogic decisions about how learning content is delivered and learning activity facilitated that makes best use of the opportunities to engage with your students through both online and in-person learning. This is a chance to get the best of both educational worlds.
Our Solutions
Learning Design Solutions will ensure an activity-based, student-centred approach to your blended learning delivery. At the outset, we will carry out collaborative strategic planning to ensure that your teaching team have an agreed approach that works across all courses. Our learning designers will collaborate with each teacher to plan and design the combination of online and face-to-face learning activities and content. We can provide video production, as well as graphic and multi-media design to make the online elements as engaging as possible. We can also provide online course production services to take the heavy lifting out of the course build for your staff. At every stage, our staff development training through workshops, webinars and one-to-one support can help ensure that your teachers and support staff are highly capable of teaching and supporting your distance learning students.